Feature & Follow #97: Perfect Vacation Reading Spot

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Now for this week’s question:

Q: Summer Break is upon us! What would be the perfect vacation spot for you to catch up on your reading & relax?

Well, I am happy to report that this summer, my husband and I are going on a cruise! It will be our very first cruise, and even more importantly, our first vacation with just the two of us since our 1-year anniversary. Eight years ago. Every vacation since then has either been with family or kids.


So I fully anticipate spending a good amount of time right here, curled up in the sun with a good book.

Aside from the cruise (since sadly, it’s only 4 nights, not the whole summer), if I had my druthers, I’d love to spend all summer at the beach. I could read by the ocean with a good book, the kids could play in the water and build sandcastles, and while I’m dreaming, I’ll throw in an awesome beach house with a super-comfy sofa where I could read at night too.

However, I live in Tennessee. We’re landlocked. And we can’t afford a beach house.

So…I think this will be a summer of sofa, park, and poolside reading for me, as usual. And you know what? That’s not too bad either.

19 thoughts on “Feature & Follow #97: Perfect Vacation Reading Spot

  1. Have a great time on your cruise! I understand what you mean about being landlocked. Here in Missouri, going to the beach is the waterpark’s wave pool or maybe a lake. I hope you get lots of reading done. As for me, I don’t read too much on vacation. I tend to jump from place to place too much for that. I love reading but I figure when I get home the books will be there but the awesome attractions will not.

    Old follower, I think? Hmm maybe? I don’t think I’ve ever been here before. :->
    DT @ Dead Trees and Silver Screens recently posted..Feature and Follow Friday: Vacation EditionMy Profile

  2. That sounds amazing! Good for you Mamma! My Hubby and I have been together for 15 years and have never been on a vacation that wasn’t to visit family. Ah, well. Maybe when the babies grow up! I’d love to come see Tennessee, long way to go though since I’m in Australia. Love your site! New Follower here 🙂
    Here’s My Hop
    Happy Hopping!
    Carmen recently posted..Feature & Follow!My Profile

    • Well, I’m totally in awe that you live in Australia! I’ve always wanted to visit, ever since I completely fell in love with Mick Dundee (although if I actually met someone like him in real life, I’d probably back away awkwardly). Maybe we can trade sometime 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by!

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