Well, in case anyone’s curious how long it takes for free WordPress hosting to become more trouble than it’s worth, the answer is almost exactly one month.
I had come to terms with my limited widget functionality in my sidebar. But my inability to use Rafflecopter was just too much.
So long, free WordPress! You and your lack of Javascript aren’t welcome here anymore!
Hopefully I’ll be up and running on my new higher-functioning site by tomorrow, but there’s a possibility I won’t be able to celebrate my 1-month-iversary exactly on time.
There’s also the possibility that this could screw with any of you who are following me via WP or RSS (hopefully if you are following via Linky Followers or Networked Blogs, those will be unaffected). So if you look for me tomorrow and it seems I’ve disappeared, I haven’t. Just moved.
I’ll also update my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed with updates. If you can’t find me, check for me there. Those aren’t going anywhere. And if you don’t follow me on Twitter or FB yet, what are you waiting for? Carpe Diem!
Right now I honestly have no idea what I’m doing. My husband and his friend are handling this. I’m mostly just here to watch them nervously and complain that it’s taking too long.
See you on the other side!
What I want to know is this: Did you take these pics for the blog or did you already have them? 🙂
Totally took them for the blog. She was like a living, breathing emoticon.
Question for you: are you still using WordPress to host your new site or are you using a different hosting service? I’m working on switching to my own domain name and am researching hosting sites and blogging platforms. Will you share your new-found expertise, please? 🙂
I’m definitely not an expert (husband is handing all the technical aspects of the move), but I bought the domain name through GoDaddy.com and am hosting it on my husband’s server. It’s still a WordPress formatted site, but I didn’t purchase it through WP. I have no idea if that answers your question at all. I’ll ask the husband to help me provide more info when he comes home 🙂