Welcome to Throwback Thursday, a weekly meme hosted by The Housework Can Wait and Never Too Fond of Books!
It’s the nature of book blogging to focus mainly on new releases, but there are thousands of great books out there that haven’t seen the “New Releases” shelf in years. We hope to be able to bring attention to some older titles that may not be at the top of the current bestseller list, but still deserve a spot in your To-Be-Read pile.
You don’t have to be a book blogger to participate! You can put up a Throwback Thursday post on your non-bookish blog; or if you don’t have a blog at all, just use the comments to tell us about a book you remember fondly.
Here’s how it works:
1. Pick any book released more than 5 years ago. Adult, YA, Children’s; doesn’t matter. Any great book will do.
2. Write up a short summary of the book (include the title, author, and cover art) and an explanation of why you love it. Make sure to link back to The Housework Can Wait and Never Too Fond of Books in your post.
3. Link up your post at The Housework Can Wait or Never Too Fond of Books.
4. Visit as many blogs as you can, reminisce about books you loved, and discover some “new” books for your TBR list!
Feel free to grab the Throwback Thursday button code from the sidebar to use in your posts.
Thanks for participating, and we look forward to seeing which books you choose to remember!
My Throwback this week is…
Ender’s Shadow by Orson Scott Card
I’ll make this super short and sweet, because we’re getting ready to go out of town in [checks clock] 20 minutes. And I haven’t finished loading the car.
I featured Ender’s Game a few months back, which is my favorite sci-fi book/series ever. This is the companion novel — the same story told from the POV of a different character. And while some would say that the thing that makes Ender’s Game great is the twist ending, and how is it possible for a companion novel to be good when you already know the end, I think this book is equally great, just for different reasons. Ender’s Shadow is more action-driven than Ender’s Game, and while many of the characters overlap, different ones take the spotlight. Plus, this one has a villain who is just…chilling. I love this book, and the series that came from it, lots.
This is a blog hop! Link up your Throwback Thursday post below!
I love books where I can run away. I am happy to leave the housework for a good book.
I’ve always wanted to read Ender’s Game and Ender’s Shadow. Thanks for reminding me of its existence! =)
I’ve read Ender’s Game like 5 times, and LOVE IT! you’d thikn one of these days i’d wise up, and read further into the series.
Knowing the end doesn’t necessarily ruin a story. (There has actually been a study on this, which is kinda cool.) I think I already knew the ending of Ender’s Game when I read it, but it was still a good book. I’ve been meaning to read the rest in the series and Ender’s Shadow, but…dang, my TBR pile is tall…