Top Ten Tuesday (June 5) – Jaw-Dropping Endings

It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the lovely people over at The Broke and the Bookish! Today’s topic is Top Ten Tuesday Rewind, where we get to pick any topic from past weeks. I’ve got to say, this is fortunate, because with all the Armchair BEA madness, it’s nice to pick a topic that I can write about fairly quickly!

So the topic I picked is…

Top Ten Book Endings That Left Me With My Mouth Hanging Open

To avoid spoilers, but since I also want to share why my mouth was hanging open, I’m going to post the books in alphabetical order, then my reactions in order of severity. If you’ve read the books, you can probably match the reaction to the book. If you haven’t read the book, you will have no idea which book prompted which response. At least, that’s the goal.

Also, I have a lot of “Book 2″s on here. I know some people think that second books are often the weak link in series. I, obviously, am not one of them.

So here are the books that left me dumbly flipping the last page over and over, trying to figure out if I missed something, because it couldn’t just end there:

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb

Timepiece by Myra McEntire


10. How can things possibly get any more crazy and amazing than they were in this book? Huh? How? I need the next book!

9. You’re giving me answers to these questions now and then the book ends? Seriously?

8. Okay, obviously he wasn’t dead, but you can’t end the story there!

7. I probably shouldn’t have anticipated that this book would have a triumphant ending, but man, this ending is so depressing.

6. He survived the entire book to die at the end for no reason? This better be fully explained in the next book.

5. You’re leaving him behind? Are you kidding me?

4-3. Hold on. Are you telling me he’s seriously dead? Like…I didn’t accidentally skip a chapter where you brought him back to life? (This was my reaction at the end of two books).

2. That was amazing, and I now need to re-read the entire book to see if any hints were dropped about the ending. Immediately.


PSA: I am going to be behind in responding to comments for memes this week because I am on a commenting committee for Armchair BEA and it takes up a lot of time. Rest assured, I will catch up on comments after the madness ends.

11 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday (June 5) – Jaw-Dropping Endings

  1. I have to say these are a few of mine:
    Hard Bitten – Chloe Neil I think my exact reaction was “Holy ISH you have got to be F’n kidding me” The immediately went to go see when the next book was out lol!

    Karin Tabke – Blood Law

    Demon From the Dark – Kresley Cole She leaves you in the middle of chaos of epic proportions on an island

    Karen Marie Moning – Dreamfever

    Those stick out in my head but there are others for sure!

    -Amanda P
    Paranormal Romance
    Books, Shopping & Rock N’ Roll

  2. Oh! Catching fire left in the exact same way!! I was like “Wooooha, WHAT?!” Awful. And Timepiece … yes completely agree with you. How can they leave us hanging in the air for a year like that?! Duh. Great top 10!! 🙂 😉
    nea barabea recently posted..Top Ten Dynamic DuosMy Profile

  3. Pingback: Review: The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness | The Housework Can Wait

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