Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!
Today’s topic is haaaaaard. I’m just going to get that out there.
Top Ten Books I’d Want On A Deserted Island
Okay, first let’s talk about this Deserted Island. Is it a tropical island? Do I want to be there? Am I there all by myself, and am I there temporarily or forever? These are important qualifiers.
For the purposes of this post, I’m going to assume I am by myself, on a tropical yet deserted island (with trees so I can make fires and don’t have to choose the biggest books just so they will burn longer), involuntarily, forever. Yes, all of this matters. (Also, it’s possible I over-think things.)
Here we go.
1. The Bible. Because I’d need it.
2. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling (let’s just assume they’ll release a single-volume version someday so they can all count as one book). They’re the most enjoyable books I’ve ever read, and I don’t ever get tired of re-reading them. Which is an important consideration on a deserted island forever.
3-5. The Farseer, Liveship, and Tawny Man trilogies by Robin Hobb. I know I’m cheating by counting each trilogy as one, but at least I didn’t count the entire trilogy of trilogies as one. Cut me some slack here. If I had to count them individually, my Top 10 list would already be full. And boring, because there’d only be three things on it.
6. The Princess Bride by William Goldman. So I could still laugh.
7. Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys. So I could always keep my situation in perspective. There are worse places to be than a deserted island. Siberia, for instance.
8. The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. For kind of the same reason, but also because that book is incredibly uplifting in spite of the atrocities that go on in its pages. And I could probably use something uplifting on a deserted island.
9. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. For the warm fuzzies.
10. Whatever book I happen to be in the middle of whenever I get stranded on this island. Because whatever it is, it will drive me crazy to know I will never know how it ends.
Now, if we’re talking short-term beach vacation…my selections may be different.
great list. Little women is a great choice!
Here’s my TTT
monica recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday… Books I’d Want on a Deserted Island
I’m still stuck on single volume HP. That sounds incredible, how have I never thought of this before! With super thin pages like Bibles? Great list
rae gun ramblings
marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings recently posted..Bring it on Breaking Dawn AKA CGI Renesmee Party Time
I love your Between Shades of Gray choice. Yes, Siberia would be MUCH worse.
Lori recently posted..Ten Books I’d Want on a Deserted Island
Nice explanation, I just went for my faves. I have to start with Hobb’s books soon, I just know I’m gonna love them.
Ula @ Blog of Erised recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday
I definitely prefer a deserted island above the setting in Between shades of Gray. I can’t stand such cold places, brrrr. Great list! Harry Potter is a must have.
Mel@thedailyprophecy recently posted..Top 10 Tuesday (22)
You might over think a little bit, but these things are important! Very good list, I agree with a bunch of your choices. Especially on the Harry Potter and the Ruta Sepetys 🙂
Ooh, I canNOt believe I forgot The Princess Bride! SUCH a great choice!
Daisy Carter recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday – Deserted Island Books!
your choices seem very good even though i haven’t read most of them 🙂 also, i am glad you qualified what it means to be on a deserted island.
hahaha love the gif!
Absolutely Harry Potter, absolutely Princess Bride. Love your choices!
Brittany @ The Book Addict’s Guide recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday – November 13, 2012
This is the second list I’ve seen Robin Hobb appear on. I don’t think I’ve heard of him before…I’ll def. Have to check out the series. Do you suggest one to start?
SaraO@TheLibrarianReads recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday…Me and my Island
Yes, start with Assassin’s Apprentice. That’s the beginning of the Farseer trilogy. Definitely my favorite fantasy series. I hope you love them!
Off to bookmark that right now 😉 Thanks!
SaraO@TheLibrarianReads recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday…Me and my Island
Great list! I wish I would have thought about putting Harry Potter down as a single book!!
Sabina @ Delirious About Books
Sabina recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Would Want On A Desert Island
LOVE the gif!
Definitely Harry Potter. And if I would have thought of it sooner I would have added the Bible also.
Great list!
Elizabeth @ The Back-Porch Reader recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday [3]
Oooh love the Princess Bride pick! Such a fun and underappreciated book (or really just forgotten I think)!
Mary @ My Sisters Bookshelf recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I’d Want On a Deserted Island
Lol, I love how much thought you put into the scenario. I love your pick of Little Women. That would cheer me right up! Here’s Ours
Becky @ Cardigans, Coffee and Bookmarks recently posted..Top Ten Books I would want on a Desert Island