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Today’s question is:
What was your favorite required reading in school?
Ummm…so this is hard because my school didn’t require…how shall we put it…good books.
Lord of the Rings? No.
Anne of Green Gables? No.
Chronicles of Narnia? No.
Little Women? No.
Anything by Jane Austen? No.
I had to read things like The Grapes of Wrath (which was so boring, I actually broke out the Cliff’s Notes, which I am pretty adamantly opposed to) and Tess of the D’Urbervilles (which…okay, I have a story about that one, but it’s long and I won’t get into it now). I know they are considered classics and all the Classic Lit people are going to come and beat me now, probably with a copy of The Grapes of Wrath because it’s just so darn BIG, but you can’t ever convince me that either of those books is good.
Tess, in particular…well. I have a story about how this book caused a group of otherwise highly intellectual straight-A high school seniors to turn rebellious and a little bit crazy. But now’s not the time.
[One day, I need to write an entire post — or maybe a series of posts — about my senior year AP English class and our spacey teacher. It’s mind boggling, folks.]
I also don’t like The Great Gatsby. There, I’ve said it.
I remember a whopping two, yes, TWO, books that I was required to read that I actually liked. Both of which I read in that weird and somewhat surreal AP English class.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. (The superior Bronte sister, in my opinion.)
I love how untraditional this story is, how neither of the main characters is particularly attractive or swoon-worthy, how neither of them really feels like they need romance to be complete as a person.
And yet, it’s somehow a beautiful love story. Complex and emotional and fabulous.
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood.
Dystopian before dystopian was a thing. I honestly couldn’t tell you what it was about this book that I liked. Just that I really, really liked it.
Also, I gave my presentation on this book in a leather miniskirt and black fishnets, to be in character. Because my English class was so weird that that was normal.
Thankfully, there are no pictures. Just thought you’d like to know.
It took me forever to read Jane Eyre, but I did like it. I actually just read a Handmaid’s Tale for a English class for college and really enjoyed it. I also liked Grapes of Wrath. Not the beginning mind u, but probably the 2nd half. I hated the beginning of that book lol
Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire
Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire recently posted..Feature & Follow Friday #24
I liked Jane Eyre too! We didn’t read it for school but I think I picked it up at the library. REALLY enjoyed it – thought I was so cool reading a classic on my own. 🙂
The Brunette Librarian Blog
Brunette Librarian recently posted..Follow Friday
I still need to read Jane Eyre, one day I might get to it. Have a great weekend!
Oh I didn’t know these ones, but one day I’ll need to read Jane Eyre.
old follower
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melliane recently posted..Feature & Follow
I liked The Chronicles of Narnia, but I never read it for school.
I read The Grapes of Wrath on my own and I wish I would have read his other works (that are much shorter) because I’ve heard they are a lot better. It was just okay.
I haven’t read The Handmaid’s Tale but it’s on my TBR list.
And I hated Jane Eyre. I probably need to read all those classic romances like that and Wuthering Heights again because I hated both so much in school and I don’t even really know why.
Old follower.
Happy Friday!
Megan recently posted..Feature and Follow Friday–Required Reading
Really? I hated Wuthering Heights, but loved Jane Eyre. Different tastes 🙂
TheHouseworkCanWait recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday (July 31) – Characters I’d Like to Switch Places With
The Grapes of Wrath was actually probably my least favorite required book. Ick. My FF
ReadingPenguin recently posted..Follow Friday 7/26/12
Excellent doorstop, though.
TheHouseworkCanWait recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday (July 31) – Characters I’d Like to Switch Places With
Good choices! Thanks for sharing.
Following! Feel free to visit my blog.
Loved Jane Eyre, enjoy! your week-end.
The Character Connection recently posted..Feature & Follow
Well I was right there with you, totally not liking any book I HAD to read in school. Except CMC which is what I chose! Recall Handmaid’s Tale and I thought it was okay. I didn’t despise it like I did 99% of the books I HAD to read!
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Great choices! I’m a new Linky follower. You can find my FF at http://madhatterreads.blogspot.com I’m having my blog launch and Giveaway!
Traci recently posted..Mad Hatter Reads Launch Party/Giveaway!!!
My Summer Read was…Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe (Author) It was interesting ☺
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