Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by our friends over at The Broke and the Bookish.
This week, I’m mostly answering based on who the supporting characters in the story are, or what the world is like. Because if we’re switching places, I’m obviously not meeting that character. But I don’t necessarily (or at all) want to participate in their romances or conflicts. Just want to take a nice little trip to their fictional world.
Also, you’ll notice there’s a conspicuous absence of period pieces, and the reason for that is simple: I really, really don’t want to wear a corset. Also, I imagine the bathroom and hygiene situation would kinda skeeve me out.
“But, you put on your list…” SHHHH. I don’t want to hear it. My logic is not good, but it’s mine.
Now that I’ve utterly confused you, today’s topic is…
Top Ten Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With For 24 Hours
(as always, in no particular order)
Thomas, The Maze Runner, during one of his first days in the Maze. I want to meet Chuck and Minho, and I want to see the Glade. I do NOT want to go into the Maze, and you can’t make me.
Buttercup, The Princess Bride, after the events of the story are over and they’re living out their happily-ever-after. I want to meet Inigo Montoya. And Westley and Fezzik. But mostly Inigo.
Katniss, Mockingjay, sometime between the end and the epilogue. Mostly because I spent the entire trilogy thinking that Peeta needed a hug.
Bella, Twilight. In this scenario, do the other characters know we’ve traded places, or do they assume I am the character I’ve switched with? Because for this to make sense, everyone would have to think I was Bella. Because my goal here would be to break up with Edward, then get on a plane to go live with Renee in Florida.
Harry, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I want to experience Hogwarts during one of the lighter years, and hang out with Ron and Hermione. And if I go during their third year, I’d get to meet Lupin. Score.
Mr. Abshire, The Time Traveler’s Wife. On that day. You know. That day. I would tell Mark I didn’t feel very well and we were staying home, and then I’d stay in bed all day.
Nate, Timepiece. I just want to live at the Hourglass and hang out with Em and Michael and Kaleb and Lily.
ANY of the children, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. Before all the shenanigans start, obviously.
America, The Selection. I WANT TO BE A PRETTY PRINCESS. Also, Maxon is fun.
Polly, The Magician’s Nephew. She gets to see SO MANY WORLDS. How many pools do you think I could jump in in 24 hours?
So there’s a slightly disturbing glance into my thought process. Who would you trade with?
Funny – I chose Hermione as my HP character. You know I can’t remember who that character is in The Time Traveler’s Wife but I think I’d like to be Henry – bookish and a time traveler:)
Rachel at Rachel Writes Things recently posted..Top Ten Characters I’d Like to Trade Places With For 24 Hours
The Time Traveler’s Wife: I know which day you speak of. *Tear*….good list…*sniff*….
Anya recently posted..Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With For 24 Hours
umm, that’s a pretty fantastic list…and your reasoning made me giggle! I totally LOVED your reasoning for wanting to be in mocking jay (Peeta does need a hug!) and breaking up with edward would be a GREAT idea! The HP world in general is just awesome! thanks for sharing!
Here’s a link to mine!
Scarlett recently posted..Top Ten Characters I’d like to switch places with for 24 hours
HAHAHAHAHA! I love your reason for switching places with Bella! I wouldn’t mind spending some time in the world of Harry Potter, but I don’t think I’d last long if I was in Mockingjay or the Maze!!
Here’s my TTT
Joie @ Joie de Lire recently posted..Top Ten Character I Want To Switch Places With…
Which is why you’ll notice, I only want to be in a day at the BEGINNING of Maze Runner and after the END of Mockingjay 😉
I love how you picked the day! I love the Twilight one and I agree on the Miss. Peregrine’s Home. Such a great book!
Courtney @ Courtney Reads A Lot recently posted..Top 10 Characters You Would Switch Places With For 24 Hours
I have Bella from Twilight on my list for the exact-same-reason. Your list is awesome. 🙂 Here’s my TTT.
bwahahaha your twilight rationale cracked me up I love it! I want to go to Hogwarts so bad…so bad.
here’s my TTT
marissa recently posted..10 Characters I’d Switch Places With and Anna and the French Kiss Necklace
I made a Chronicles of Narnia choice, too. I also would want to go to Hogwarts and meet the cast of characters.
Anne recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday July 31
I’d totally live in Twilight. I don’t care what anybody else says, it’s a fantastic world with great characters. It would be awesome to be in their shoes for a day.
I’d totally love to go to Hogwarts! I’d use Dumbledore’s Pensive and get rid of a few thoughts before I left.
Mary-Sweet Bookshelf recently posted..The ‘ol Switcheroo
You’re awfully brave. I don’t think I’d want to switch places with Thomas or Katniss. And YES to The Time Traveler’s Wife one! Great list, Lauren. 🙂
Lori recently posted..Top Ten Characters I’d Like to Switch Places With
I don’t think it really takes a lot of bravery to spend a day in the beginning of MR when Thomas spends most of his time gardening, or the end of Mockingjay when Katniss is just hanging out in her giant house 😉
I really like your reasons for your decisions! Giving Peeta a hug and breaking up with Edward are some of my favourite.
BarefootMedStudent recently posted..Like a Freaky Friday, but on a Tuesday
I also chose Hermione but decided against Katniss – didn’t think I’d be great in The Hunger Games!
Me either! Hence the decision to go only when everything is OVER!
Lol! Bella? OMG! Yes, but just to hug her father. Just to show him that she does really loves him and cares for him. And then move to another place where it’s more sunny! 🙂
Nina recently posted..Top Ten Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With For 24 Hours
Yes. Also that. Poor Charlie.
TheHouseworkCanWait recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday (July 31) – Characters I’d Like to Switch Places With
I love all of your reasons! And yes, Peeta absolutely just needed a hug. And maybe some cookies, but if you were Katniss he’d have to make them himself since she’s not very good at cooking.
I picked Ginny because I’d want to meet all three members of the trio and spend some time hanging with Neville and Luna. The only problem is that it’d be awkward being in her head and trying to not have a crush on her brother. But hey, you know how it goes.
I think you totally should’ve put Ana on this list. Can you kick yourself in the head in that case?
Sarah @ Breaking the BInding recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With For 24 Hours
I doubt Ana is flexible or coordinated enough to kick herself in the head. Pity.
Awesome idea to trade with characters to meet you’re favorite character! I want to meet Indigo too!
Rachel recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how you not want to go into the maze. i’m with you. don’t do the ‘Maze’ thingee.
Omg I laughed so hard at your Twilight goal. Of course, my choice is clearly anything Hogwarts, but I love your other choices too!
Liz Long recently posted..Is Gifted Right For Your Bookshelf?
Hahaha I love your list and your reasonings behind what you chose! 🙂 That was so much fun. Lots of awesome books in there too. Thanks for sharing that with us!
Brittany @ The Book Addict’s Guide recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday – July 31, 2012
I think I’d rather be Digory in the Magician’s Nephew so I could stop Jadis from waking up. I always did love the in-between worlds pools, though!
Becky @ Cardigans, Coffee and Bookmarks recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday (3):Characters I’d Like to Switch Place With For 24 Hours
Really, I’d take either one. I just want to jump in the pools. But yes, keeping Jadis asleep would be a GOOD goal.
A great list 🙂 I love your Bella entry.
Adina recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday
Great choices! I love what you said about being Bella, lol. Here’s my TTT: http://meganm922.blogspot.com/2012/07/top-ten-tuesdayswitching-places.html
Megan recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday–Switching Places
Polly is such a great and unique choice! Amazing list! 😀
Ivy Book Bindings
Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday (#7)
I didn’t even think of Miss Peregrine or the kids! That would be an EXCELLENT world to visit! I also chose Harry Potter…but I wanted to be Hermonie…I’d like to hang out with the hilariousness that is Harry and Ron…also the weasley twins!!! 🙂
I love your answers! I based most of my answers on who I want to meet as well. I especially like your Peeta comment…I wanted to give him a hug too!
Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews recently posted..TOP TEN TUESDAY (31): Switching Places
Great list! I chose America Singer as well. I absolutely adore The Selection. 🙂
Krystianna (Downright Dystopian) recently posted..My Momentous Month (1)
Polly is a great choice. MN is my favorite Narnia book. I really like your list–you have some unique choices, like Time Traveler’s Wife and Miss Peregrine!
RuthDonnelly recently posted..Fifteen Favorite Female Fictional Characters
Hahahahhaa – love your reasoning for choosing Bella!
What exciting choices.
Oh my god. I swear this is the best list ever. Personally, I think you’re my new role model, I mean, I totally agree with your reason on why you’d like to take Bella’s place.