Welcome to the Feature & Follow Hop, hosted by Parajunkee’s View and Alison Can Read!
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Today’s question is:
What are you reading right now? What do you think of it?
I am currently reading The City’s Son by Tom Pollock. I requested it on NetGalley because another blogger — and I can’t even remember who it was now — was raving about it a couple months ago. So far I’m only about 15% of the way through, and I honestly don’t know my thoughts. The world is fascinating, but I’m not completely connected to the characters yet. And I’m not sure if I’m a fan of stories told from two POVs where one is first person and one is third. I like consistency in multiple POV stories.
So I’m undecided. I’ll let you know my thoughts when I finish. At least I can say this for sure — the world-building is unique. Very unique. There are demon-esque trains. That fight. And a being made out of garbage scraps, who is, as far as I can tell, a good guy. That right there made it worth picking up.
oh character connection is so important to me! i hope you get that soon!
Trish – My FF
I don’t think that I’ve ever read a multiple POV book that switches between first and third person. It’d probably drive me a bit crazy because I like consistency, too.
Old Linky follower. Our FF
Lee @ Rally The Readers recently posted..Feature & Follow Friday (13)
I’ve read a few, but none where I preferred it.
TheHouseworkCanWait recently posted..#SYTYCD Book Pitch – Season 9 Week 6 & 7 (@DANCEonFOX)
Ohh wow, the two point of views are different?!? I haven’t seen that before. I was going to say that multiple point of views are growing on me but that’s when they’re consistent. Interesting. I can see why you’re not sure of your thoughts yet.
Old follower via RSS 🙂
Miss J @ Miss Book Reviews recently posted..Feature and Follow #6
That sucks you aren’t connecting, I hate that.
Old follower
-Amanda P
Paranormal Romance
Books, Shopping & Rock N’ Roll
Amanda P recently posted..GIVEAWAY! Olivia Cunning – The Sinners on Tour
I know what you mean, I read a book just before this, that one was first person, then everyone else POV was third, but it worked in this book, as it was a really good book. I never read the one your reading. Hope it gets better for you.
Here is mine (I didn’t find a GFC my preffered follow, so did RSS )
Her is my FF
Follow Friday Hop
Michelle L. Lynn recently posted..Feature & Follow Friday Hop 9/6
I didn’t know this one but I like the cover. I hope your feelings will improve about it.
I don’t participate this time but I have many giveaways here if you’re interested for our first year on the blog.
melliane recently posted..First Event: Anniversaire!
Ooh interesting! Seeing this one around here and there! Hope you enjoy the rest!
Here’s my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower 🙂
I don’t think I’ve ever read a book with different POV’s that way. I can understand that it’s a bit strange, but I hope you will connect with the characters soon!
Old follower 🙂
Mel@thedailyprophecy recently posted..Feature & Follow (12)
I know what you mean about a story’s structure sometimes being a turn off. I’m working on ‘Misfit’ right now, and it’s told in the 3rd person present, which makes it feel like I’m reading stage directions in a play. I’m not sure if I like it or not. But a person made out of garbage? Way too cool.
New follower via Linky. My blog is nickieanderson.blogspot.com
A girl at the library where I work was having a difficult time with City’s Son too. Although, she told me she wasn’t into it because there wasn’t any romance. 🙂
I like romance, too, though, but it was pretty funny the way she said it.
I am not a fan in general of books with alternate POVs. Some exceptions of course (Pushing the Limits!!!!), but I generally prefer books from one POV. The only book I’ve read where one POV was first person, and the other was third-person was Of Poseidon. I did not care for that book.
Anyway, I was checking out your About Me page, and I love the picture with the “It’s not a cook book folks”! Seriously funny!
I’m a new follower.
Quinn @ Quinn’s Book Nook recently posted..Feature and Follow Friday (3)
I’m interested in the premise of this book, but I’m not sure about the switching first & third pov thing. I may just wait to check it out from the library. Old follower.
Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews recently posted..FOLLOW FRIDAY (41)
Have a great week-end, just blogging by.
Tribute Books Mama recently posted..Feature & Follow
I just finished reading a book called The Lace Reader that switched between first and third person. It really caught me off guard the first time the switch happened, especially because in all my creative writing classes I was told to not do that! I guess my classes just weren’t creative enough 🙂 It seems to be on the rise in fiction. Anyway, I hope you end up liking the book. It sounds like it has the potential to be great!
New follower! I love your premise by the way. Reading is ALWAYS better than housework!
Hi, I found you via Follow and Feature, and have followed you on NetworkedBlogs and Twitter, and through email. If my blog interests you, I’d love it if you could do the same: http://rinnreads.blogspot.com.
The site name made me chuckle!
Rinn recently posted..Feature & Follow #1
That would drive me bananas too. Hopefully it becomes more consistent (if possible) and you can get through the entire read. 🙂
***new RSS subscriber***
I’d love for you to check out my WoW @ Between the Bind.
JennaLynne@betweenthebind recently posted..Linking Up: Feature & Follow (2)
That happens to me all the time… another blogger raves about it and I find it a little blah… but then… lol, I’m sure this happens to other bloggers who read my reviews too XD
Heather recently posted..Book Blogger Hop and Feature & Follow Friday