Throwback Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by The Housework Can Wait and Never Too Fond of Books.
- Pick any bookish or literary-related media (or non-media item) released more than 5 years ago.
- Write up a short summary (include the title, author, and cover art, if applicable) and an explanation of why you love it. Make sure to link back to The Housework Can Wait and Never Too Fond of Books in your post.
- Link up your post at The Housework Can Wait or Never Too Fond of Books.
- Visit as many blogs as you can, reminisce about books you loved, and discover some “new” books for your TBR list – or some other classic!
Feel free to grab the Throwback Thursday button code from the sidebar to use in your posts.
Thanks for participating, and we look forward to seeing which books you choose to remember!
My Throwback this week is…
Clueless (1995) starring Alicia Silverstone, Paul Rudd, Stacey Dash, and Brittany Murphy
Based on the novel Emma by Jane Austen
When I first saw Clueless as a teenager, I had no idea it was based on a Jane Austen book. I also was kind of ashamed that I loved it as much as I did. On the surface, it’s a kind of superficial, vapid teen rom-com about equally superficial and vapid teens. But. BUT. It is also surprisingly thoughtful and introspective and sweet.
At least, it’s surprising until you realize it’s Jane Austen in disguise. And amazingly enough, it’s actually a fairly faithful adaptation. When I finally read Emma — years after my first — and second, and fifth, and eight — viewing of Clueless, I was honestly shocked that the Beverly Hills update follows the book so closely. I mean, aside from the fact that it’s in Beverly Hills, and it’s about Cher and Josh, not Emma and Mr. Knightly. And Josh is her ex-step-brother and not her neighbor. (Yeah, I know that sounds weird, but just go with it.)
In a nutshell, Clueless is the story of Cher Horowitz, who makes it her mission in life to matchmake the people around her while simultaneously making terrible and misguided decisions about her own love life. Her guidance is sometimes cringe-inducingly awful and sometimes she pushes her friends in the complete wrong direction, but it’s okay. It’s Jane Austen, and everyone finds their happiness in the end.
Clueless is available on Netflix and Emma is in your local library, or possibly on your bookshelf. Experience them together and feel the love.
This is a blog hop! Link your Throwback Thursday post below!
That movie killed me!! One of my faves, most definitely. I just love how they talk so smart at their school, but act so silly. I had no idea it was based off a Jane Austen novel!
Janita @ Book, Interrupted recently posted..Throwback Thursday (6)
I think I might be in shock… I have never read Emma, now I feel that I should. As a kid I loved the move, and still watch it every now and then. (I still have it on VHS).
I will definitely be checking it out now!
Thanks for the post 🙂
Oh man, I loved Clueless! I was in junior high, I think, when it came out. I also didn’t know it was based on Emma until I was older. I still haven’t read Emma, though. Shame on me! Now I kinda want to watch Clueless. Also, Emma is available for free at Project Gutenberg, too.
Grrr internet was wonky and wouldn’t let me comment.
I love clueless we’ve watched it three times in the last two weeks. I’ve always wanted to read Emma it’s one of my favorite movies but I’ve not had the chance yet. Thanks for the great share! Have a great week.