Feature & Follow #99 – Fictional Character Blind Date

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This week’s question (which was MY SUGGESTION, by the way) is:

You are a matchmaker — your goal, hook up two characters from two of your favorite books. Who would it be? How do you think it would go?

Okay, I know I suggested it, but this is actually hard. So many characters in books are already paired off! I don’t want to pull someone out of a “perfect” pairing, which leaves relatively slim pickings. BUT, I can do it. So.

I’m starting with the guy: Kent McFuller from Before I Fall. Poor Kent. He’s so sweet and kind and loyal, and he really gets the short straw in that book.

I mean…other than Sam, who has to die every night for a week. That’s probably a slightly worse hand than what Kent is dealt. But still. I love Kent, and he’s the one I walked away thinking about when the book was finished.

Anyway. Now to pick a lovely lady for him.

I pick Marlee from The Selection.

She’s sweet, she’s gentle, she’s kind, she’s beautiful, she appears to be universally loved, and she’s admitted she’s not that into Prince Maxon. And you know why? Because she should be with Kent. I imagine it would go something like this:

28 thoughts on “Feature & Follow #99 – Fictional Character Blind Date

  1. That is definitely a tough question! I see what you mean about not wanting to use main characters that already have matches. Unfortunately, I haven’t read either of the books that you referenced yet so I don’t know the characters you picked, but they sound perfect for eachother from what you said. Her kindness to his sad past. <3 (Love Enchanted, by the way)

    New follower (Linky and NB), nice to meet you!

  2. Love your site (stated once again!) I haven’t read either book, but have them on my monster pile! Thanks for the follow! Returning with a FB follow! …and I love the Enchanted pic – like many others, I want to see that again now! Happy weekend!
    Kate @ Musings recently posted..follow friday – PairingsMy Profile

  3. Awww this pair sounds like they would be great together although I haven’t read these two books! I really want to read The Selection soon though 🙂 I love the picture at the end!

    New Follower via Linky

    Kayla @ Bengal Reads (YA Blog) & Reading On The Wild Side (Adult Blog)

    Click Here” To view my #FF post for Bengal Reads

    Click Here” To view my #FF post for Reading On The Wild Side
    Kayla Graham recently posted..Book Superlative Saturday (3)My Profile

  4. What an interesting pick! Kent didn’t occur to me, but I guess *technically* he is single. Huhhh. Marlee would probably be a little weirded out by him at first, but they are so sweet I think they would get along great (unless her “secret” gets in the way… I want to know what it is!)

    Old Follower! Happy FF!
    Kelsey @ Slush Sleuth recently posted..Follow FridayMy Profile

    • I have a feeling the “secret” has something to do with a clandestine love interest…hence not being into Maxon…but until that’s proven one way or the other, I’m sticking to my Marlee-Kent pairing 🙂

  5. I’m not familiar with either of these book characters but they seem very well matched!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF earlier today. Old Follower hopping on through..

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