Feature & Follow (August 10) – If I Had a Do-Over

Welcome to the Feature & Follow Hop, hosted by Parajunkee’s View and Alison Can Read!

If you’re here for the first time, I’d love if you could follow via email, RSS, LinkyFollowers or Networked Blogs. Just let me know your follow method of choice in the comments, and I’ll be happy to return the favor.

And if you’re not new, welcome back! Repeat visitors are better than finding a ten-spot in the pocket of your jeans while folding laundry.

Also, just as an FYI: I’m super-behind in my commenting and following. The past few weeks have been ridiculously crazy (this week alone we had a 4th birthday and a first day of first grade in our household), and I’m barely keeping up with my posting here, much less my interacting with other blogs. I do have every intent to catch up, but if you started following me in the past couple weeks and don’t think I’ve followed back yet, feel free to remind me. Refreshers never hurt.

This week’s question:

Q: What would you do over if you were to start your blog again from scratch?

Oh, so many things.

  • I would start out on self-hosted WordPress instead of the free version.
  • I would not post eight reviews on my very first day when I had no readers, and save absolutely none for later posting when I actually did get readers (still not sure why I thought that was a good idea).
  • I would not send really annoying emails.
  • I would not request books for review on NetGalley that I was only kinda sorta interested in reading.
  • I would jump on Twitter from Day 1, but put more thought into who I followed.
  • I wouldn’t worry as much about sounding “professional” and just talk like me.

Basically, the only thing I’d do the same is I’d keep my awesome header, because I love it. And my name, which were the very first words that popped into my head after “I should start a book blog.” Those two things are really the only things I did right, all those many (okay, 4.5) months ago.

19 thoughts on “Feature & Follow (August 10) – If I Had a Do-Over

  1. That’s all really good advice. Especially being careful who you follow on twitter because at first I just followed anyone back and now sometimes I see weird tweets and I’m like why did I follow that person lol. We all make mistakes when we’re knew though so don’t worry you’re not the only one. Here’s my F&FF http://harleybearbookblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/feature-follow-friday-10.html
    Melissa @ Harley Bear Book Blog recently posted..Feature & Follow Friday #10My Profile

  2. So true! I was on twitter from the beginning but I followed every person I could find with the words “writer” or “blogger” in their description! I also changed my blog name three different times before getting it right with “Wonderland’s Reader”.
    Old follower, new commenter! 🙂

  3. We started our blog around the same time, I started mine at least four to five months ago, and woww look at the difference! o_o you obviously know what you’re doing way more than I do! Even still, I feel like a fish out of water :/ Your blog was one of the first few I found and I fell in love with!

    I wish I had the knowledge (Also money and time haha) to move over to the self hosted wordpress! But I don’t yet. I still feel like I’m trying to find my voice and opinions! :/

    Old follower! 🙂

    My FF
    Miss J @ Miss Book Reviews recently posted..Feature and Follow #5My Profile

  4. New follower via networkedblogs. I like the title of your blog too. I often say that to myself to alleviate some of my guilt for feeling lazy! I struggle with the whole “sounding professional” thing. Sometimes I want to say what I really want to say but I don’t because I don’t want to come off as a bitch or offend anyone. I’m working on it though. If ppl could read some of the stuff I post on my personal fb…ppl would be shocked! Please check out my site at http://nettesbookshelf.blogspot.com
    Nette recently posted..Feature & Follow time!My Profile

  5. Hi Lauren,

    That all sounds like great advice for new bloggers. All those little things can make such a big difference in the success of a blog. Great answer! 😀

    I’m visiting from Mother Daughter Book Reviews and I’m now following you via Networked Blogs, Linky, Twitter, and email. If my email was entered twice (if that’s even possible) would you mind deleting one of me please?) I would love it if you could reciprocate. Here is the link to my FF post:


    Have a wonderful weekend and be sure to check out our Summer Reading Weekly Book Giveaways. Cheers!
    Renee C. recently posted..Book Blogger Feature & Follow Blog HopMy Profile

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