It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? Is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey. It’s great to see what others are reading, and personally, I like to use it to plan out my reading week, and make sure that I’m staying on track to attain my weekly goals. Is it weird that I plan out my reading week like some plan out their work week? Hm. Let’s not ponder that too hard.
Anyway, last week I wound up changing things around a bit, and decided to read Gifted instead of The Wise Man’s Fear. So I still haven’t finished that one, but I’m not going to put up a giant picture of the cover, because honestly, I’ve been in the exact same place for the last three weeks. You’ve seen the cover. You know what I’m talking about. I really do plan on actually finishing it this week though.
Also up for this week:

Die for Me by Amy Plum. I am going to a book signing for Amy Plum (and also Myra McEntire and C.J. Redwine) next week, and obviously would like to read all their books first. I don’t have a copy of the sequel to this one, Until I Die, yet, but I may run out to B&N to pick it up after this one. I for some reason thought I already had it, but alas, I did not.

The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa. I’ve gotta be honest, I kind of hate the cover art for this one. I have it as an eBook, because I think this cover on my shelves would give my kids nightmares. But I’ve heard nothing but good things about the book itself.

The Danger Box by Blue Balliett. This one is a mid-grade mystery that arrived in my big box of awesome from Scholastic.
And, if it arrives in time, I will make a valiant attempt to squeeze in:

Defiance by C.J. Redwine. C.J. will be at the book signing next week, and her agent is mailing me a copy of Defiance this week. But considering she’s mailing it from CA and I live in TN, there’s no telling when it will actually arrive on my doorstep. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed, because I’d love to have this one read before Monday.
So that’s my busy reading week! What are you tackling this week?