Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish! This week’s topic is easy, because nearly every single book I read in 2012 was a new-to-me author. I branched out a lot. It was splendid.
Here are the ones who stood out (and yes, some of them I only read one of their books, or they only have one book…but that one book was really good).
Also, some are on here because I did read their book in 2012, and they are new to me, but mostly because I met them and I think they’re just fabulously awesome people. If you get a chance to meet them, you should.
Disclaimer: There are a lot of Nashville/Southern authors on here. If you live near me, so do many of these ladies! Read their books! Go to their events! You’ll be glad you did!
Top Ten Favorite New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2012 (in no particular order, because that is way too hard)
First book I read in 2012: Between Shades of Gray
Why she’s awesome: Everyone told me to read Between Shades of Gray for MONTHS before I did, and they were totally right. Her writing is beautiful and moving, the story she told was incredible. Seriously. Everyone should read it. But aside from that, Ruta is one of the sweetest, most genuine people I’ve had the privilege to meet this year. She’s even lovelier than her writing. If such a thing is possible. Rest assured, her personal awesomeness combined with how much I loved her debut means I won’t be putting off reading any of her books in the future.
First book I read in 2012: Hourglass
Why she’s awesome: Myra was at the very first author event I went to, and I’ve been to several more of hers since then, because she is delightful. Not only are Hourglass and Timepiece amazing books, which I tend to shove into people’s hands to force them to read, and then they yell at me because I didn’t bother to tell them that the series isn’t finished and the next book isn’t out yet (P.S. Everyone loves them anyway), but Myra is hilarious and fun and is responsible for my decision to start watching Doctor Who, for which I am eternally grateful. She’ll be one of my favorites forever.
First book I read in 2012: Delirium
Why she’s awesome: I haven’t actually met Lauren (YET), but Delirium was one of the first books I read after finishing The Hunger Games, and it made me realize there’s a whole genre of fiction out there that I want to discover. Also, her writing is gorgeous, which was also evidenced in Before I Fall, a novel that was just enough of a contemporary for me to realize maybe I wanted to read contemporary too. Requiem is one of my most anticipated reads for next year, and I hope to one day be able to tell Lauren how much I enjoy her books.
First book I read in 2012: Divergent
Why she’s awesome: Another author I haven’t met yet, which will hopefully be remedied someday. Not only are Divergent and Insurgent great fun (can’t wait for the third one!), but Veronica’s blog is one of my favorites. She chronicled her journey to publication and her life as a writer in terms I really understand. I think our brains work similarly. Which I mean as a good thing.
First book I read in 2012: Defiance
Why she’s awesome: First off, Defiance is amazing. It’s a great mishmash of genres, full of action and adventure and romance and intrigue. I am ready for #2 ASAP. Also, I’ve had the opportunity to meet C.J. several times, and she is hilarious and my kind of people. Also, she’s the one who yelled at me to read Anna and the French Kiss, for which I am eternally grateful. I’m eternally grateful to many people for many things.
First book I read in 2012: The Girl of Fire and Thorns
Why she’s awesome: I love that I discovered several new fantasy series this year, and Rae’s series is one of the best. She writes amazing characters (Hector is one of my favorites) and intricate worlds. I am on the edge of my seat for The Bitter Kingdom. Again, haven’t met her yet, but hoping to remedy this someday.
First book I read in 2012: Throne of Glass
Why she’s awesome: I actually met Sarah before I read her book, and realized pretty quick that her epic love of all things geeky also makes her my kind of people. One thing I never realized before I started book blogging was how many authors like the same sorts of nerdy things I do. It’s fabulous. After getting to spend some time with Sarah, I read Throne of Glass, and it was incredible. I know she has big plans for the series, and I can’t wait to read all of them.
First book I read in 2012: Anna and the French Kiss
Why she’s awesome: I dragged my feet on reading Anna because I just don’t think of myself as a contemporary romance kinda gal. But once I finally got around to reading it, I loved it. I met Stephanie once at a multi-author event, and she is delightful. I’ve definitely got it on my agenda to read more of her books next year.
First book I read in 2012: What’s Left of Me
Why she’s awesome: What’s Left of Me is unique and thoughtful and intriguing, and I loved the fascinating world Kat created. I’ve also gotten to spend time with her on several occasions, and she is a genuinely sweet person. I always am happy when I see her at an event, and I’m really curious about how she resolves Eva and Addie’s dilemma in her books.
First book I read in 2012: The Dark Unwinding
Why she’s awesome: Sharon is another author who I met before reading her book, and at the risk of sounding creepy, I just love her. She’s down-to-earth and funny and easy to talk to, and — yet again — my kind of people. As happened with several authors on this list, I liked her so much, I bumped her book up my list of to-be-read titles, and I loved it. Her writing is gorgeous, her story is fascinating, and I adored the way everything unfolded. I can’t wait for the next one.
Well, now that I’ve gushed (possibly too much) about my favorite author discoveries from 2012, I hope you acquaint yourself with some of these lovely ladies (or at least their writing). Who are some of your favorites?
oh my what a lovely list you have! most of these are on my list for this week or will be on my fav books of the year list next week seriously so many great great authors I’ve been introduced to this year and I’ve got what’s left of me on my stack right now I’m super excited to get to it!
my TTT
marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings recently posted..10 Authors I am So Glad I Read in 2012
I have Stephanie Perkin’s books reserved at the library, I keep hearing so many good things about them! My TTT list: http://aliceinreaderland.wordpress.com/2012/12/10/top-ten-favorite-new-to-me-authors-i-read-in-2012/
Alice @ Alice in Readerland
Alice in Readerland recently posted..Top Ten Favorite New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2012
I have only read Veronica Roth out of this list, but most of them are all ready on my TBR. I truly loved Divergent, and I have Insurgent waiting for me. But it’s been so long since I read the first one, that I have to find the time to reread it before I move on in the series.
Bekka @ Pretty Deadly Reviews recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday
I’ve had Between Shades of Grey on my bookshelf for so long, I really need to get to it!
Belle recently posted..Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2012
You really do! I was the same way, but I loved it from page one and couldn’t believe I’d put it off for so long.
I love Veronica Roth, Stephanie Perkins, and Rae Carson (who made my list too!) 🙂
Lola (Reading by Lamplight) recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday: New-To-Me-Authors in 2012
Since you enjoyed reading Anna and the French Kiss, I highly recommend you Lola and the boy next door by Stephanie Perkins. It’s adorable 🙂
Leela recently posted..Top Ten Favorite New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2012
So many great authors!! I adore Myra, Rae, Stephanie, and Lauren so much!
Lori recently posted..Top Ten Favorite New-To-Me Authors I Read in 2012
I like Lauren too! The Delirium series is my favourite dystopian series by far! Great list here, most of the authors you mentioned here are on my TBR list:)
Here’s my TTT
LuoQi recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday #1
I love your list! I’ve read books by Lauren Oliver, Veronica Roth en Sarah Maas and I absolutely loved them! Most of the others are on my TBR pile or wish list! Can’t wait to discover new authors next year!
Helene recently posted..Top Ten Favorite New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2012
It looks like you’ve had quite the year! Lauren Oliver made my list too… I loved Delirium but am afraid to read Pandemonium because of the cliff hanger… =\ Stephanie Perkins is one of my favorite authors… I think that Lola and the Boy Next Door is my favorite book of hers so far. The third book in the “series,” Isla and the Happily Ever After, is supposed to come out in May 2013. Nice list!
ACReads recently posted..Top Ten Tuesday
Myra McEntire and Veronica Roth are on my TBR in 2013 list. Thanks for the heads-up about Veronica’s blog- can’t wait to check it out!
Susan Raber recently posted..Top Ten Favorite New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2012
Such a great list! I have read and loved both of Stephanie Perkins’s books, but I need to check out these other authors specifically Lauren Oliver, Rae Carson, and Sarah Maas.
Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews recently posted..TOP TEN TUESDAY: 2012 New-To-Me Authors
Great list… I need to look into the ones that aren’t already on my TBR list. 🙂
My Top Ten
Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life recently posted..Top Ten Favorite New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2012
Fantastic list of authors. I really liked Hourglass by Myra McEntire, and I have Timepiece from the library right now. I’m excited to read it.
And Stephanie Perkins is on my list today too. I’ve actually seen her on a number of lists.
Quinn @ Quinn’s Book Nook recently posted..Top Ten Favorite New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2012
Great list! I agree on Veronica Roth! She’s amazing. Definitely have to check out some of your other picks!
YA Vixens Top Ten Tues!
Ohh, I love your list! 🙂 Between shades of Gray is a beautiful book. Oliver, Roth & Maas are also on my list this week and all the other authors you’ve mentioned are the ones I can’t wait to meet in 2013! 🙂
Mel@thedailyprophecy recently posted..Top 10 Tuesday (24)
I loved Kat Zhang’s book! It was thoughtfully written, and especially impressive as a debut. I also enjoyed Vernoica Roth’s Divergent, although I can’t lie, I hated Anna and the French kiss. I’m not really one for contemporary YA unless it is crushingly sad. Great list! Here’s Ours
Becky @ Cardigans, Coffee and Bookmarks recently posted..Picture book Spotlight: Big Wolf & Little Wolf