It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey. It’s a great way to share what you’re reading, and to see what others are reading and enjoying. My TBR (to-be-read) list is growing by leaps and bounds, and I couldn’t be happier about it.
So today I’m actually in the middle of two books. The first is The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss.

The Wise Man’s Fear is Book 2 in The Kingkiller Chronicle, and sequel to The Name of the Wind (read my review for NOTW here). We’re still following Kvothe in his tale of how he became the most legendary hero of all time. I was enjoying how things were actually happening in this book (my main complaint with the last one was that while it was entertaining and enjoyable, there wasn’t a lot of forward motion in the plot).
Kvothe got moving (finally). He uncovered a plot. He was sent on a mission. New, interesting characters were introduced. Huzzah!
But then Kvothe went on his foray into the Fae with Felurian for 100 pages, and all that lovely forward momentum came to an abrupt halt. Now, I still have a good amount left in this book (I’m about 2/3 of the way through), so I have faith that surely it will redeem itself for Kvothe’s seemingly completely irrelevant escapades with Felurian.
But I needed a break for a little bit from Kvothe. He was frustrating me again, and I find I enjoy the books more when Kvothe and I have spent some time apart. It’s just the way our relationship works.
Which brings me to…..

Glitch by Heather Anastasiu. I received an advance digital galley of Glitch from the publisher for review (Glitch will be released on August 7). It’s another YA dystopian, which is just what the doctor ordered to alleviate my Kvothe frustrations. What better to distract me from a book where not much is happening than a book in a genre known for its breakneck pacing?
Glitch follows Zoel/Zoe (she goes by two different names depending on her location and company. I’ll call her Zoe for simplicity’s sake), a teenage girl raised in The Community. In The Community, people have technology implanted at a young age that will wipe them of all emotion and enhanced sensory function. They see the world in shades of gray (literally), feel nothing, and go through life driven by logic and duty, nothing more.
But Zoe has been “glitching.” Her implants aren’t doing their job, and emotions are slipping through. Zoe is terrified (an anomalous emotion itself) of being discovered. Discovery could mean deactivation (death). Or it could mean that she will be repaired, and lose her emotions — and she’s not sure she wants that to happen.
So far, Glitch is a fun “popcorn book.” The premise is definitely interesting, and while I was kind of expecting the “shocking revelation” that Zoe receives early on (I may have read too many books in this genre to ever be truly surprised again), it’s still been enjoyable so far.
A love interest has already been introduced (in kind of heavy-handed fashion, I might add). Some of the dialogue is simply oozing cheese. I’m hoping it kind of dials back a bit in the rest of the book, because I’m not sure how much mooning teenage angst I can deal with. Right now the romance has backed off a bit, and for that I’m grateful.
I like a good love story as much as the next person, but kind of wish that the romances in YA lit nowadays were a little more Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, and a little less Bella and Edward.
Anyway, it’s still a fun read so far, and the pacing is definitely helping me fill the “I just need something to happen, dangit!” quota in my brain. I’m about 1/3 of the way through, and have no doubts I’ll be finishing it this week.
Not sure what I’ll be reading next. I downloaded a ton of new books to my Kindle last week, so we’ll just have to see what I’m in the mood for after these two.
Happy reading!